
http://www.whsv.com/2023/11/12/fishburne-military-school-holds-veterans-day-parade/ By Cora Dickey Published: Nov. 2023年12月美国东部时间上午10:16 b|更新:21小时前弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒. (WHSV) – The 费什伯恩 Military School Corps of 学员 saluted all active duty service members 和… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐举行退伍军人节游行



鲍勃·斯图尔特,弗吉尼亚新闻http://newsvirginian.com/news/local/fishburne-military-school-pays-homage-to-vets-on-veterans-day/article_b51aa1ee-80fc-11ee-9826-af29c37fed66.退役陆军中尉. Col. Saul Herrera told 费什伯恩 Military School cadets on 周六 a call to service does not automatically mean military service.… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐在退伍军人节向退伍军人致敬


费什伯恩 Military School inspires next generation amid military personnel shortage

作者:诺亚·哈里森出版:2009年9月. 2, 2022年美国东部时间上午7:31 |更新:43分钟前弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒. (WHSV) – As the United States military continues to struggle to get an adequate number of recruits,… 继续阅读 费什伯恩 Military School inspires next generation amid military personnel shortage



不管是不是去军校, Brown recommends parents open 529s — or any other options — as early as possible to meet the financial dem和s of education. She believes Parker will be much better prepared for life now that he’s at 费什伯恩, 哪一个能让你将来获得大学奖学金.


春天 体育运动 Awards Banquet – Featuring Keynote Speaker, Scott Simons

http://www.whsv.com/video/2022/05/12/fishburne-spring-athletes-receive-awards-wednesday/ By Cayley UrenkoPublished: May. 2022年11月11日美国东部时间晚上10:47 b|更新:11小时前弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒. (WHSV) – Athletes at 费什伯恩 Military School were honored on Wednesday evening at its spring sports banquet.… 继续阅读 春天 体育运动 Awards Banquet – Featuring Keynote Speaker, Scott Simons
